Ensure that entitlements are properly signed
codesign -f -s <Signing Identity> --entitlements Clutch.entitlements Clutch
再次检测源码目录下文件,发现我搞复杂了,不需要打开xcode工程,里面有个 build.sh 打开看
#!/bin/bash # Clutch xcodebuild script # Credits to Tatsh xcodebuild clean install xcodebuild ARCHS='armv7 armv7s arm64' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -sdk iphoneos7.1 -configuration Release -alltargets clean # Uncomment to enable CLUTCH_DEBUG with release # xcodebuild ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -sdk iphoneos7.0 -configuration Release CLUTCH_DEBUG=1 xcodebuild ARCHS='armv7 armv7s arm64' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -sdk iphoneos7.1 -configuration Release -alltargets CLUTCH_DEBUG=0 # equivalent to next line where CLUTCH_DEBUG is not set strip "build/Release-iphoneos/Clutch.app/Clutch" codesign -f -s "iPhone Developer" --entitlements Resources/Clutch.entitlements "build/Release-iphoneos/Clutch.app/Clutch"
由于我的环境是 xcode5 + SDK 7.0 所以把 iphoneos7.1 改为 iphoneos7.0
执行 ./build.sh 顺利的得到了执行文件~~ 放到手机测试,一切正常
iPhone-4S-PiaoYun:/var/tmp root# ./Clutch You're using a Clutch development build, checking for updates.. Your version of Clutch is up to date! Clutch 1.4.5 (git-3) --------------------------------- DEBUG | Preferences.m:42 | preferences_location: /etc/clutch.conf DEBUG | Preferences.m:43 | { CheckMetadata = NO; CheckMinOS = NO; CrackerName = ""; CreditFile = NO; FilenameCredit = NO; ListWithDisplayName = NO; MetadataEmail = "[email protected]"; MetadataPurchaseDate = "2009-08-26 19:12:18 +0000"; NumberBasedMenu = YES; ProgressBar = YES; RemoveMetadata = NO; VerboseLogging = NO; } 1) 360云盘 2) App58ForIphone 3) Weiyun iPhone-4S-PiaoYun:/var/tmp root# ./Clutch -a . . packaging: compression level 0 DEBUG | Cracker.m:276 | ------End Zip Crack Op------ DEBUG | Cracker.m:291 | ------End Execute Crack------ DEBUG | ApplicationLister.m:153 | cracked app ok DEBUG | ApplicationLister.m:154 | this crack lol 21278 DEBUG | Cracker.m:295 | Saved cracked app info! /User/Documents/Cracked/微云-v2.1.278--(Clutch-1.4.5).ipa Applications cracked: 360云盘 App58ForIphone Weiyun Total success: 3 Total failed: 0 Cracking all encrypted applications on this device.